Mishawaka Catholic School is committed to providing a well-rounded education that nurtures the spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual, technological, cultural, artistic, social, and moral aspects of all students. The students, parents, faculty, and staff of Mishawaka Catholic School work together to create a community of faith that spreads the Good News of Jesus Christ. The entire school community - parents, students, administration, faculty, staff, parishes, priests - is involved in working together to achieve the school’s spiritual and academic goals. Students are encouraged to be life-long learners in a safe, family atmosphere of love and friendship. The faculty, staff, parents, and school community are committed to educating students at Mishawaka Catholic School based on the following School-Wide Learning Expectations:
A Mishawaka Catholic School Student is…..
An Active Person of Faith who:
• Shows respect for God, others, and self
• Shares faith through Christian Service
• Actively participates in the spiritual life of the school community
• Makes morally responsible decisions based on faith commitment
• Exhibits honesty, sensitivity, integrity, and forgiveness
An Effective Communicator who:
• Communicates feelings, thoughts, ideas, problems, and solutions
• Actively listens to others
• Uses technology effectively, responsibly, and productively
A Life Long Learner who:
• Develops curiosity and enthusiasm for learning
• Acquires and applies knowledge and experiences academically and socially
• Thinks critically, reflectively, interdependently, and creatively
• Persists in the face of challenges
• Manages time effectively and demonstrates organizational techniques
• Takes Responsible Risks
• Develops spiritually, mentally, and physically
A Socially Responsible Community Member who:
• Shows reverence for the environment and all of God’s creatures
• Responds to the needs of others through stewardship
• Practices good citizenship based on Christian values
• Practices appropriate social skills